The Aluette System is light, fast, turns easily even with 300 fathoms of line out .... it costs about the same as a set of doors alone. It was designed to allow the small to midsized boat with less than 200 hp and under 40' to sample the same waters as the Big Boys do with their Reseach Ships and $125,000 pelagic monster trawls.
For those use to seeing monstrous pelagic trawl gear, 1 ton pelagic doors and massive winches . . . . forget it! The Aluette Midwater and Hendricksson Pelagic doors are here to give you the relief you asked for.
No longer does the researcher need to bother with commercial type gear to take samples. I.N.S. has designed and produced a fast, light, mobile and efficient midwater solution. The Aluette Midwater , .85M doors, bridles and weight plates all fit on a 40" x 48" pallet and weighs in at under 80 kg. COMPLETELY RIGGED!
Samples of 5mm through 75mm fish. Beaufort Sea.
The Elusive, Y.O.Y. Arctic Cod |
The elusive Arctic Y.o.Y. Cod. 15 mm long, caught very much alive in the Model 30x 35/4 Aluette trawl and Hendricksson .85M³ doors.
One of the biggest Urban (Trawl) Legends is that you have to have small mesh to catch small fish.
IF your Net Geometry is correct and your water flow is stable ( NO Internal Pressure Waves)....a 35mm mesh like shown here can and will take a 15mm fish like this Year-0 Arctic Cod.
* All photos courtesy of NOAA*
Shown here are 2 (two) complete Aluette trawl systems . . . trawl, doors and bridles.
All packed on a 40x42 pallet.
The Aluette comes built in a variety of designs each fabricated to do several things all with the same net. It can go deep, shallow, turn quicker and dive faster than any other Research Midwater gear we have seen. It samples in the ocean, river systems, reservoirs and takes fish from 5mm through .75 Meter in length.
It can be worked from an 25' skiff or a 150 Meter vessel.
NO! It is not meant for taking commercial loads of adult is meant to takes samples of Y.o.Y through 2-3 year class fish.
Build in UHDPE ( Dyneema™) , HDPE or a combination of both, the Aluette is an easy trawl to work with on limited back deck space. . . . Gone are the days where you have to suffer with that heavy ol' wet sock of a nylon trawl and those obstinate and ornery antique designed trawl doors.
And certainly NOT these !
Icelandic designed, tested and proven . . . . YES! The Hendricksson Midwater Doors
Hendricksson (Icelandic model) Midwater trawl doors.
- 30 different settings
- 25-75 pound each door . . . with or without ballast plates
- Faster reponse when turning
- Will NOT twist or roll up . . if you follow the How-To instructional settings
- 38" H x 18" Wide